Watch The Deafening Boos During Speech At Church

President Biden recentIy spoke at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, a predominantly African-American church, about civiI rights and the 2024 election.

Unfortunately for the president, the speech went less than well, as the president was booed and conservatives on social media called out the faIsehoods he spoke during the speech.

As background, the Mother Emanuel AME Church at which Biden spoke is the scene of the 2015 mass shooting in which Dylann Roof attempted to start a race war by kiIIing numerous attendants of the African American church in cold blood.

In any case, Biden was both booed by protesters who appeared at the church and called out for his lied by conservatives on Twitter.

The alleged falsehood for which he was primarily called out was that he helped start the civiI rights movement at a church in Wilmington, Deleware at which he claims to have spent a good bit of time.

The RNC, posting about the inci dent on X (formerly Twitter), quoted the incident as saying, I’ve spent more time in the Bethel AME Church in Wilmington, Delaware, than most people I know, black or white, have spent in that church because that’s where I started a civiI rights movement… Commenting on those claims, the RNC said, “None of that is true.

They Only Ever Played This 9/11 Video One Time

It’s hard to believe that over two decades have passed since the 9/11 attacks. Reflecting on those events brings back the profound emotions we experienced during that difficult time.

In the aftermath of 9/11, many continued to honor the victims. Among those paying tribute was Budweiser, who created a commercial that became widely recognized.

The ad begins with the iconic Clydesdales running through a field, preparing to pull a wagon. They set off on a journey to an unknown destination.

As they travel through rural landscapes, they eventually reach a bustling city, crossing into New York City via the Brooklyn Bridge. From a distance, the majestic New York City skyline comes into view. The Clydesdales then bow in a solemn tribute to those who lost their lives.

This ad was shown just one time during the Super Bowl, but the complete version is available to watch here:

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