She was the face of 70s and 80s ‘Cover Girl’. This beauty is now seventy. This is her today

Christie Brinkley was born Christie Lee Hudson on February 2, 1954, in Monroe, Michigan, USA. Raised in Los Angeles, California, she attended Palisades High School before studying art in Paris, France.

Modeling Career
Christie’s modeling career took off when she was discovered in a post office in Paris by American photographer Errol Sawyer.

She gained fame in the late 1970s and 1980s, most notably as the face of CoverGirl, a role she held for an unprecedented 25 years. She appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue three consecutive times from 1979 to 1981, cementing her status as a top model.

Barbra Streisand says she ‘can’t live in this country’ if this happens

A mainstay of the Hollywood glitterati, Barbra Streisand recently went too far in her online defense of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, claiming that Willis was the victim of a conservative scheme to use her private life to discredit her public one.

The singer and actress claimed in a post on X that Willis is only guilty of desiring a personal connection with Nathan Wade, the assistant attorney she employed to look into Trump and the other eighteen defendants they have accused with racketeering in connection with Georgia’s 2020 election outcomes.

“How absurd it is for the Republicans to want to fire Fani Willis. For what purpose? Believing that a woman cannot lead a private life in addition to a career? Men engage in it frequently! How absurd is this situation? said Streisand on Monday.

“Trump and his supporters are assaulting Willis, the DA, who is bringing charges against him for trying to thwart Georgia’s electorate’s decision. She is close to one of the prosecutors in private. The case’s facts and Trump’s blatant attempt to force the Secretary of State to “find” additional votes for him and present fictitious electors to Congress have nothing to do with this. It’s just another one of Trump’s distractions,” she continued.

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