Oklahoma Fried Onion Burger

The Oklahoma Fried Onion Burger is the perfect choice if you’re in the mood for a tasty and flavorful burger. This traditional recipe makes a delicious patty that will satisfy any burger enthusiast by combining juicy ground beef with thinly sliced onions.

Oklahoma Fried Onion Burger

Ingredients needed to make the Oklahoma Fried Onion Burger are as follows:

One large onion, peeled and cut in half, then thinly sliced
Add pepper and salt.
One pound of ground beef
One spoonful of butter
A single spoonful of vegetable oil
four to eight pieces of American cheese
Pickles, mustard, and mayo to serve
4 toasted hamburger buns

Here’s how to prepare this mouthwatering burger:

To begin, place the thinly sliced onions in a bowl and add 1 teaspoon of salt. Mix them well. In a colander, let the onions sit for thirty minutes, stirring from time to time. Next, move the onions to a sanitized dish towel and extract as much liquid as you can.

Arrange the drained onions onto four distinct stacks on a baking sheet with a rim. Four evenly sized balls of ground beef should be placed on the onion mounds. Firmly press down so that the onions stick to the beef to create 4 inch-diameter patties. Give the steak a liberal amount of salt and pepper.

Melt the butter and vegetable oil in a 12-inch skillet over medium heat. Turn the patties over carefully so that the onion side is facing down in the skillet. Simmer the onions for 6 to 8 minutes, or until they are deeply golden brown and beginning to crisp up around the edges. After turning the burgers over, turn the heat up to high and continue cooking for about two minutes, or until the second side is nicely browned.

Top each burger with one or two slices of American cheese, then let it melt. In the meantime, sprinkle the top buns with mustard, pickles, and mayo. Put a burger on the bottom bun and cover it with the top bun once the cheese has melted.

The ideal blend of tender beef, crunchy onions, and smooth, melted cheese may be experienced when the Oklahoma Fried Onion Burgers are served right away. The ideal way to enjoy these burgers is with a cold drink and your favorite sides. Try this recipe to make a unique and delicious handmade burger that will wow your family and friends.

Couple found something that they thought was a common stone – at closer look, they realized its true value

Valuable items can occasionally be seen but remain hidden. While out for a stroll, a couple saw what they initially believed to be a rock. Upon closer examination, it was revealed to be something quite else.

Discover what incredible discovery they made by continuing to read.

Overton, Lancashire residents Gary and Angela Williams were taking it easy on the beach when they noticed something completely out of the ordinary. They came upon what they initially believed to be a common rock while strolling along Middleton Sands Beach in the United Kingdom. However, upon closer inspection, they discovered it to be something quite different.

Intrigued, they noticed something that had washed up on the beach. They chose to examine it more closely. At first, the pair believed it looked like an egg from a dinosaur or something prehistoric. Intrigued, they made the decision to learn more.


Their curiosity paid off, as they chose to examine the object in further detail. They had inadvertently discovered ambergris, a material that is extremely valuable.



It smelled bad, but at first they thought it looked interesting. The material is highly valuable in terms of money. In the perfume industry, it is highly sought after and is a key fixative in many upscale, luxury perfumes.

The digestive tract of sperm whales forms ambergris when they swallow sharp things, such as the beaks of squid, which is one of their favorite foods. To prevent damage to the intestinal lining, the whale’s intestines release a sticky material that encapsulates these foreign things. These accumulated leftovers gradually harden into lumps of different sizes and are sent out through regurgitation or feces. This mixture turns into a solid product with a particular aromatic scent when exposed to sunshine and seawater, according to specialists.

The chunk of Ambergris they found smelled strongly like wax and had a waxy feel. Gary said it smelled like fish and organic fertilizers. Despite its unappealing appearance, the material was extremely valuable.

The quantity they discovered was 1.5 kg, and they calculated its estimated value to be $70,000! However, as ambergris is frequently connected to the illicit activity of whaling, possessing it is prohibited in some nations.

See the tale of a family who discovered unexpected buried gems underneath.

Who would have guessed that an odd-looking “rock” could be so valuable? Because life might throw you for a loop, it’s always a good idea to be interested. Talk to your friends and relatives about this amazing story.

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