When Gina and her husband Brendan decided to separate, she took a break from the drama by staying with her parents for the weekend. But when she came back home, she was shocked to find all her things spread out on the lawn.

To her surprise, Gina discovered a valuable item that belonged to Brendan among the scattered items. This turn of events gave her a chance for some well-deserved revenge.

After deciding to split up, Brendan changed completely. The man she had shared her life with was now replaced by someone who was bitter and resentful.


“You’re complaining about how I act? How I talk?” Brendan shouted.

“I’m just saying you need to calm down. Yelling won’t help you get your point across,” I said, holding my head.

“Oh, come on, Gina,” he yelled even louder. “You made me this way! With all your demands and constant complaints. Just go live your life.”


So, I did.

As the divorce moved forward, Brendan and I tried to organize our things and make a clean break.

“Just let me pack up these items, Gina,” Brendan said one day, rummaging through my bookshelf.


“You’ll just end up taking my things with you,” I replied. “I need to sort out my own stuff first.”

“Fine,” he said.


But things only got worse. The emotional stress left me feeling constantly nauseous and uneasy. So, I decided to spend the weekend at my parents’ house to clear my head.

“Yeah, run away to your parents,” Brendan sneered as I packed an overnight bag.


“They’re better than you,” I said, walking out the door.


And honestly? It was the right choice. I needed space to process everything, especially the fact that I was going to be on my own for the first time in twelve years. Even though Brendan and I needed to be apart, I couldn’t see my future clearly.

I also just wanted my parents to take care of me for the weekend.


“Oh, Gina,” my mother said as she took out a tray of delicious roast lamb. “All you need to do is eat and rest. Whatever you want to eat, just tell me and I’ll make it. And if you need anything from the store, just tell Dad. He’ll make a quick run for you.”


I took a deep breath. I was exactly where I needed to be.

“Are you sure a divorce is the right choice?” my father asked me during dinner.


“Yes,” I said with a heavy heart. “If there was ever a chance for us to fix things, it was a long time ago. We’ve missed that chance. Brendan and I just don’t see things the same way anymore. I don’t think there’s any love left between us.”


“You do what you need to do, honey,” my mother said. “If your mental health is telling you that you need a fresh start, then that’s what you should go for.”

I took her advice to heart and spent my time taking long walks with Pippy, my parents’ dog. I needed to clear my head and give myself the space to breathe.


“You’re making the right choice,” I reassured myself. “There’s nothing wrong with starting over.”


When I got home on Monday morning, expecting to find Brendan and his things gone, I was met with a shock.

My entire collection of furniture, from before and during our marriage, was spread all over the lawn. A huge hand-painted sign that said “Free Stuff!” was proudly displayed, inviting anyone passing by to take whatever they wanted.


“What on earth is this?” I muttered, slamming the car door.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. My coffee table, the flea market couch, and even my grandmother’s old rocking chair were all out on the lawn, baking in the sun and waiting to be taken by anyone who passed by.

I kicked the sign down so it lay flat and pulled out my phone, my hands shaking as I dialed Brendan. After three rings, he finally answered.


“Hey, what’s up, Gina?” he answered, sounding casual, almost smug.

“What’s up?” I echoed. “What’s up?”

“Yeah, that’s what I asked,” he said.

“Are you kidding me? Why is all my furniture on the lawn? Are you absolutely out of your mind?”

There was a pause before he replied.


“You were going to sue for all my money anyway,” he said. “I heard you on the phone with someone. I know you wanted everything, or at least half of it! So you might as well know how it feels to lose what’s yours.”

I was speechless.

Sure, I had thought about taking him for a ride and getting my share of his money, but the weekend away with my parents had taught me to let it go.


“You’re absolutely unbelievable,” I finally managed to say. “You think this is going to solve anything? You’re just making things worse for yourself.”

He scoffed loudly.

“Whatever. It’s your problem now. Maybe you should charge people for your things instead of letting them take it for free.”

I wanted to scream, but I knew it wouldn’t help. Brendan had made up his mind, and like any dog with a bone, there was no reasoning with him.

I crouched down and opened the drawer, where I found a small, velvet pouch. As I opened it, my heart raced. Inside was a stunning gold necklace with a large diamond pendant—one that Brendan had always bragged about but claimed was lost.

I couldn’t believe my luck. Brendan’s petty move had actually handed me a priceless item. I smiled despite everything.

I took a deep breath, feeling a spark of satisfaction. This necklace, once a symbol of Brendan’s arrogance, was now mine. I packed it away carefully, deciding it would be my little piece of revenge.

Seeing the family heirloom tucked away in the drawer, a smirk crept onto my face despite my anger. Brendan’s father’s watch, a cherished piece that he rarely wore, was now in my hands.

“Stupid Brendan,” I muttered under my breath. He’d clearly overlooked this valuable item in his hasty revenge.

I carefully wrapped the watch and tucked it into my bag alongside the necklace. As much as the whole situation had been frustrating, it felt good to have something of value—something Brendan truly cared about—as a small victory in this mess.

As I slipped Brendan’s watch into my pocket, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of triumph. “Checkmate,” I said to myself, a small smile on my face. He had left it out there for anyone to take, and I wasn’t about to let this opportunity go to waste.

Next, I quickly texted my friends, asking for help to move everything back into the house. Their support would be crucial in getting my belongings back inside safely.

“Brendan is the worst, Gina,” my friend Jenny said, carrying a lamp. “This is a new low.”

“Yeah, I agree with you there,” I replied. “But don’t worry, I’ve got a way to get back at him.”

I explained to Jenny about the watch and how I had it safely tucked away in my car. I was sure Brendan would eventually notice it was missing, and I was ready to use it as a bargaining chip.


“Look, the neighbors came over and took a few things. The bedside tables are gone too. But if you’re polite enough, I’m sure Cathy will sell them back to you.”

There was a long pause on the other end of the line.

“Gina, it’s my dad’s watch. My granddad’s watch. I really need it back.”

I let the silence stretch for a moment before responding.

“I see. Well, like I said, it’s with Cathy. But I’m sure she’ll be reasonable. You know, for the right price.”

I nodded and said, “Thanks. You can leave now.”

“I’ll get in touch with you about the divorce. My lawyer has some things to discuss with us,” he replied.

“Cool,” I said simply.

Brendan did a double-take, then took the watch from me and walked away slowly, as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words.

Don’t toss those eggshells! Here’s why you should keep them

Here are some advantages that egg shells provide if you’re one of those persons who loves eggs for breakfast and eats them frequently. See why you should never again throw eggshells in the garbage by reading the article below.

1. All-natural insect repellent

Eggshells might be the answer if slugs, worms, and snails are regular garden visitors who eat your flowers and kill the plant. All you have to do is cover the plants with crushed eggshells, and you’ll soon notice a change. It turns out that the fragrance of eggshells repels these creatures, so you won’t see them in your yard again.

2. Drives away deer

Eggshells are a deer repellent, just like they are to insects. Using this tip may help keep deer away from your garden and your plants, which they tend to destroy, if you live in a wooded region where they are frequent visitors.

3. Bird Food

Some creatures find the eggshells repulsive, yet others find them to be a great delight. If you scatter eggshells across your yard, you could see a flock of feathered friends enjoying their favorite snack. Birds adore eggshells. This is a pleasant approach to draw birds, who deter unsightly insects in addition to brightening people’s days with their beautiful appearance and endearing tweets.

4. Improve Soil Health

Using eggshell dust or solution as fertilizer is a sustainable way to repurpose materials that would otherwise end up in your local landfill.

Their calcium carbonate content naturally lowers the pH of your soil, which is good for plants that like lower pH conditions. Because of this modification, the soil becomes more alkaline and these plants are better able to absorb nutrients.

5. Eat Healthier Veggies

Eggshells contain calcium carbonate, which can help plants that are susceptible to calcium deficiencies—like tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers—by lowering their risk of blossom end rot. Crushed eggshells added to the soil will keep the vegetables colorful, plump, and flavorful.

6. Bring Potted Plants’ pH Up with Pexels

A horticulture expert with the University of Illinois Extension points out that research conducted in greenhouses with plants growing in pots have demonstrated that adding eggshells to the soil can raise its pH. The enormous volume of soil in a backyard garden is very different from the tiny amount of soil in a pot.The typical homeowner is not likely to be able to produce enough eggshells to increase the pH of their soil.

7. Composting Made Simple

Eggshells and citrus peels break down gradually in a compost pile or container, which makes crushed eggshell material ideal for composting. They add nutrients and minerals to the compost material as they decompose and enhance it.

Rinse the shells well to remove any raw egg residue before composting. The decomposition process is accelerated when they are broken down into smashed shells because smaller fragments decompose faster than whole eggs.

The next time you have eggs, be sure to use the eggshells to add some beauty to your potted plants or yard.

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