I Discovered 13 Mysterious Candles and My Photo in My MIL’s Basement—The Shocking Truth

I Discovered 13 Mysterious Candles and My Photo in My MIL’s Basement—The Shocking Truth

It was just supposed to be a regular family celebration—my mother-in-law’s birthday. But when I went into the basement, I found something shocking: a ritual that made me question everything, especially the woman who raised my husband.

Honestly, this was wild! My mother-in-law has really lost it!

So, here’s what happened.

It was Jane’s birthday party. The whole family was there, and everything seemed fine. People were laughing, drinks were flowing, and she was acting sweet and welcoming.

Source: Midjourney

You know, typical family stuff. I had only been married to Willis for a month, so I was still figuring out the whole in-law situation and trying to get along. But if someone had told me earlier what I was about to find, I would have thought they were joking.

Willis and I were in the living room with the guests when Jane, my mother-in-law, casually mentioned we were out of wine.

“Chelsea, dear, could you and Willis go down to the basement and get some bottles for the guests?” she asked, smiling in that warm but slightly forced way she always did. I didn’t think much of it, so I nodded and followed Willis downstairs.

Source: Midjourney

The moment we stepped into the basement, something felt off. Maybe it was the musty smell, the dim lighting, or just a feeling deep in my gut telling me to leave. There was an eerie silence that hung in the air like a bad sign. I glanced at Willis, but he seemed completely unaware of anything unusual.

He walked straight to the wine rack, chatting about how his mom loved a good Chardonnay, while I lingered by the stairs, looking around. That’s when I saw it.

Source: Midjourney

In the far corner of the basement, past the shelves of old family albums and dusty boxes, was a small table. On it sat a framed photo of… me.

“Uh, Willis?” I called out, my voice a bit shaky.

“What’s up?” he replied, still focused on grabbing a bottle.

“There’s a picture of me over here…”

He stood up, holding two bottles of wine, and walked over, looking confused. I pointed to the table, and that’s when he noticed it too.

“Why is your picture here?” he muttered. That’s when I spotted the candles.

Source: Midjourney

Thirteen candles. Eight were lined up in front of my photo, one in each corner of the room, and one right in the center, right on the floor.

“What the hell?” I whispered, feeling my stomach drop. “Why are there candles? And why are they all around my photo?”

Willis blinked, just as shocked. “I…I don’t know. This is weird.”

“Weird?” I snapped, my voice rising. “This is more than weird, Willis! This is freakin’ creepy!”

Source: Midjourney

I rushed to the table, my heart racing with questions. Why would Jane have a picture of me like this? Was it some sort of ritual? A strange family tradition? Or something darker?

I turned to Willis, my heart pounding, feeling like I had stepped into a horror movie. His face was pale, and his eyes were wide with disbelief, as if he had seen something much worse than just a weird setup of candles and my photo.

“Willis,” I whispered, barely able to speak. “What… What is this? What’s happening?”

He didn’t respond right away. He just stood there, staring at the candles, his breathing shallow. I could see the panic building in his eyes, the kind of fear that freezes you.

“Willis?” I repeated, my voice trembling. “Please, talk to me.”

Finally, he turned to me, his lips parting slightly, but no words came out. After what felt like forever, he spoke, his voice hoarse and shaky. “I… I think my mother’s been using a spell,” he stammered.

Source: Midjourney

“A curse?” My stomach dropped. “What are you talking about?”

He took a deep breath, clearly struggling with whatever awful truth he was about to share. “My grandmother… she was into all this—this dark stuff. Witchcraft, curses, spells. I—I never believed it, but…”

He ran a hand through his hair, his voice almost breaking. “She taught my mom everything. And I think—Chelsea, I think my mom’s been trying to curse you.”

I stared at him, my mind racing. “Curse me? For what?”

Source: Midjourney

I blinked, and there it was: positive.

“Willis!” I shouted, barely able to contain my excitement. “Willis, come here!”

He rushed in, panic flashing across his face. “What? What’s wrong?”

I held up the test, my hands shaking. “I’m pregnant,” I whispered, tears spilling down my cheeks.

For a moment, he just stared at me, his mouth hanging open in shock. Then his face broke into the biggest smile I had ever seen.

“You’re—wait, we’re—” He stammered, pulling me into a hug so tight I could barely breathe. “We’re having a baby?!”

Taylor Swift Seen Struggling to Perform, and Fans Are «So Worried»

The show must go on, and so it did for Taylor Swift, who was seen having a hard time trying to keep it together during a concert. Footage of the singer struggling ended up on social media, which gave rise to a wave of comments showing concern for her well-being.

In a TikTok video, the 34-year-old singer was seen heavily coughing and clearing her throat multiple times while trying to perform one of her hit songs at a show in Singapore. The clip was followed by a caption that read, «Hope she’s okay, she’s been coughing.»

Fans quickly found the video and began expressing their worry for Swift’s health, who has been on a world tour comprised of 152 shows across five continents. «I was there and so worried about Taylor,» one user wrote, while another pointed out that «she needs some rest.»

People speculated that she has probably been affected by «the drastic weather changes in different regions» while touring, and praised her for keep going nevertheless and not canceling any concerts. «I can only imagine how exhausting it must be whilst on tour giving it 100% with every performance. She is incredible!»

Perhaps to fans’ peace of mind, Swift has a crucial policy in place to prevent her from getting sick during The Eras Tour, which is considered the highest-grossing tour of all time since it surpassed $1 billion in revenue.

Amid her extensive tour in Australia, it was noted that fan meet-and-greets were no longer offered to minimize her chances of falling ill. «When Taylor is on tour, strict measures are put into place to stop her interacting with anyone outside of her ‘bubble’. They can not risk her getting sick under any circumstances,» a source explained in an interview. «Even those in her bubble, including her dancers and managers, are restricted what they can do and where they can go during their downtime.»

Media outlets report that if Swift were to cancel even a single show during her tour, it’s estimated that it would result in significant financial losses amounting to millions of dollars and cause disruptions to the remaining tour schedule. The stakes are high, so one can never be too careful!

All celebrities have fans that keep a close eye on them and support them unconditionally. However, every coin has two sides and fame often brings along critics as well. Julia Roberts experienced that darker side after receiving a negative mass reaction to her birthday post in honor of her husband. People couldn’t stop bring up an unknown woman in the comments. Find out more here.

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