Demodex folliculorum – This will happen if you don’t remove your makeup.

Hello, my name is Demodex folliculorum and I live in the pores of the skin of your face that’s why it’s important to wash your face and remove makeup!!

The only way you can see me is with a microscope. I measure between 0,3 and 0,4 mm, and like spiders, I have 8 legs.

I like living in hair follicles that have your nose, cheek and eyelashes. These are places where there’s more fat to feed me.

I feed on your secretions and your dead skin. I can put up to 25 eggs in every hair follicle.

My digestive system is not able to eliminate my waste, so i accumulate them in my body until I explode and die. My remains cause hypersensitivity reactions.

According to some studies, in some people, I can cause infections on eyelids and rosacea.

I am a mite that is present in almost every adult on this planet.

Are you going to sleep in makeup tonight? đŸ€Ș

SNOOP DOGG asks his friends and family to pray for him!

Snoop Dogg has reached out to his followers and friends for prayer and support during his difficult time. In breaking the news of his mother’s death, he spoke of her as more than simply a mother; she was his strength and inspiration. When times go tough, Snoop says, stay strong in your beliefs and stand together.

As a means of remembering his mother’s lessons and as a means of mending himself, he spoke about music. In his message, Snoop echoed the importance of spreading positivity and healing energy and the value of love and kindness.

Snoop thanked his fans for their prayers and promised to return to the stage with music that truly touched his heart in his sincere message. Fans can relate to his request for prayers and optimism in the midst of personal tragedy, and it serves as a powerful reminder of the power of unity in times of difficulty.

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