In the impoverished Gaza Strip, where most people struggle to make ends meet amid a crippling blockade, the suffering of stray dogs and cats often goes unnoticed.
Said el-Er, who founded the territory’s only animal rescue organisation in 2006, has been trying to change that. He and other volunteers rescue dogs and cats that have been struck by cars or abused and nurse them back to health – but there are too many.
So in recent weeks they have launched Gaza’s first spay-and-neuter programme. It goes against taboos in the conservative Palestinian territory, where feral dogs and cats are widely seen as pests and many view spaying and neutering as forbidden by Islam.
“Because the society is Muslim, they talk about halal (allowed) and haram (forbidden),” Mr El-Er said. “We know what halal is and what haram is, and it’s haram (for the animals) to be widespread in the streets where they can be run over, shot or poisoned.”
Islam teaches kindness towards animals, but Muslim scholars are divided on whether spaying and neutering causes harm. Across the Arab world, dogs are widely shunned as unclean and potentially dangerous, and cats do not fare much better.
Mr El-Er and other advocates for the humane treatment of animals face an added challenge in Gaza, which has been under an Israeli and Egyptian blockade since the Islamic militant group Hamas seized power in 2007. Gaza’s two million residents suffer from nearly 50 per cent unemployment, frequent power outages and heavy travel restrictions.
With many struggling to meet basic needs, animal care is seen as a waste of precious resources or a luxury at best. Mr El-Er’s group, Sulala for Animal Care, relies on private donations, which can be hard to come by.
Mr El-Er says his team can no longer keep up with the number of injured animals that they find or that are brought to the clinic. “The large number of daily injuries is beyond our capacity,” he said. “That’s why we resorted to neutering.”
On a recent day, volunteers neutered a street dog and two cats that had been brought in. There are few veterinary clinics and no animal hospitals in Gaza, so they performed the operations in a section of a pet store that had been cleaned and disinfected.
“We have shortages in capabilities, tools, especially those needed for orthopaedic surgeries,” said Bashar Shehada, a local veterinarian. “There is no suitable place for operations.”
Mr El-Er has spent years trying to organise a spay and neutering campaign but met with resistance from local authorities and vets, who said it was forbidden. He eventually secured a fatwa, or religious ruling, stating that it is more humane to spay and neuter animals than to consign an ever-growing population to misery and abuse.
Once the fatwa was issued, Mr El-Er said local authorities did not object to the campaign as a way of promoting public health and safety. The Hamas-run health and agriculture ministries allowed veterinarians to carry out operations and purchase supplies and medicine, he said.
The Gaza City municipality provided land for a shelter earlier this year. Before that, Mr El-Er kept the rescued animals at his home and on two small tracts of land that he leased.
The new shelter currently houses around 200 dogs, many of them blind, bearing scars from abuse or missing limbs from being hit by cars. At least one was adjusting to walking with a prosthetic limb. A separate section holds cats in similar shape.
The group tries to find homes for the animals, but here too it faces both economic and cultural challenges. Very few Gazans would keep a dog as a pet, and there’s little demand for cats. Some people adopt the animals from abroad, sending money for their food and care.
Over the past decade, international animal welfare groups have carried out numerous missions to evacuate anguished animals from makeshift zoos in Gaza and relocate them to sanctuaries in the West Bank, Jordan and Africa.
But there are no similar campaigns for dogs and cats, and Gaza has been sealed off from all but returning residents since March to prevent a coronavirus outbreak.
Mr El-Er’s phone rang recently and the caller said a dog had been hit by a car. Volunteers from Sulala brought it back to the shelter on the back of a three-wheeled motorbike and began treating it. Mr El-Er says they receive around five such calls every day.
Sales Assistant Insults My Wife—You Won’t Believe the Revenge I Got Days Later
Recently, my lovely wife decided to turn her love for fashion into a career. She started looking for jobs in retail, thinking it would be a perfect match for her interests.
One afternoon, she came home upset and told me what had happened. Emma explained that earlier that day, she had gone to the shopping center.
While walking around, she noticed a popular lingerie store with a “Now Hiring” sign in the window.

She shared how her excitement quickly faded when she approached the sales assistant to ask about the job.
The rude woman didn’t even look at my wife until she was standing right in front of her. Despite feeling a bit discouraged, Emma still asked about the application process with enthusiasm. Instead of answering kindly, the assistant gave her a nasty look and said:
When Emma got home, she was in tears, heartbroken by the cruel remark. I had never seen her so devastated before, and it shattered me to see her like that.
Over the next few days, I came up with a plan. I called my friend Mike, who works in the fashion industry, and told him what had happened. Mike was eager to help.
“That’s unbelievable,” Mike said on the phone. “I’ll help you out. Let’s give her a taste of her own medicine.” A few days later, I got ready and went back to the lingerie store with Emma’s help.
I made sure the same sales assistant was working that day. I started browsing the aisles, waiting for the right moment. When the store was quiet, I approached the assistant with a friendly smile.
“Hello, I’m looking for something special for my wife. Can you help me?” I asked. Her attitude changed immediately when she saw a potential sale. She became very helpful and started showing me different items.
“Of course, sir! We have a fantastic selection. What’s the occasion?” she asked sweetly. “Just a surprise for my wife. I want to get her something really special,” I replied, acting thoughtful.
How about this piece? It’s one of our bestsellers,” she suggested, holding up a delicate lace set. “Do you think this would look good on her?” I asked, examining the lingerie. “Oh, definitely! It’s one of our top items. She’ll love it,” she assured me.
“Can you show me a few more options? I want to make sure I get the perfect one,” I said, keeping her engaged. As she showed me more pieces, I made small talk to keep her interested. “How long have you worked here?” I asked.
“About six months,” she replied. “It’s a great job if you have the right look for it.” I nodded, pretending to be interested. “Do they hire often?”
“Only when they really need someone. They’re picky about who they hire,” she said with a touch of pride.
I wrapped my arms around her, trying to comfort her. “My love, don’t listen to her. You’re beautiful and talented, and you’re worth so much more than her words,” I told her softly. “But why would she say that?” Emma sobbed. “I just wanted to apply for a job. I didn’t deserve that.”
“She’s small-minded, my angel,” I said, trying to console her. Seeing her so sad made me FURIOUS! No one should ever treat my wife like that and think they can get away with it!
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