An 83 year old british gentleman arrived in Paris by plane. As he was fumbIing in his….

An 83 year old british gentleman arrived in Paris by plane. As he was fumbling in his bag for his passport a stern French lady asked if he had been to France before. He liked he had indeed been previously.

The lady said then you should know to have your passport out and waiting sir. The gentleman said i didn’t have to show it last time. Impossible! The woman said, you British have always had to show your passports to get through here! The man passports to get through here! The man responded by whispering, well, when i came ashore on the beach on D Day in 1944, i couldn’t find any Frenchmen to show it to!… Wear your poppy with pride.

Finally Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton’s dream comes true

Shelton recently said he was so proud of Stefani, who appeared to be showing off her baby bump. The coupIe has faced pregnancy rumors before.

According to a December 2022 article, Blake Shelton struggled with baIancing being a role model and friend to his stepsons. The country music star and his wife of one year, Gwen Stefani, raised her three sons together.

In 2021, Shelton revealed how he, Kingston, Apollo and Zuma Rossdale have always been together.

The star said that he didn’t mind being just friends with the boys, but he realized that they also Iistened to what he said.

It was terri fying for the singer because he reaIized it was a big responsibility and wondered if being a stepfather was harder or maybe more challenging than being biological. However, the answer to his questions was reportedly just around the corner.

The source claimed that Stefani wanted nothing more than to give her husband her chiId.

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