Simon Cowell Shocks Fans: His $600 Million Fortune Won’t Go to His Son

Simon Cowell is known for being a tough and brutally honest judge on TV talent shows. He is a producer and the creator of popular shows like *The X Factor* and *America’s Got Talent*, and he has done very well for himself throughout his career. Despite his tough TV persona, Simon Cowell is now a caring father. He has said that none of his $600 million fortune will go to his son, Eric. Instead, he plans to donate all of it to charity.

Simon Cowell is a very successful entertainment business owner, producer, and TV personality, known for judging talent competitions in both the UK and the United States. Now, he can add another role to his list: he is a father. Cowell became a father in 2014, a moment that he says changed him as a person. However, before the birth of his son, Eric, he mentioned in an interview that none of his $600 million fortune would be passed on to his son. He believes that passing down wealth to the next generation is not the right thing to do.


“I’m going to leave my money to someone—probably a charity, like kids and dogs,” Simon Cowell said in 2013. He believes in leaving a legacy instead of just passing down money to his son. Cowell thinks that helping his son develop a successful career is more important than giving him a lot of money.

“The goal is to give people opportunities so they can succeed, and to share your knowledge with them,” he explained. Simon Cowell’s net worth is around $600 million, and he plans to donate all of it to charity. He hasn’t decided which charity yet, but he mentioned it will likely be related to children or dogs.


Simon Cowell is not the only celebrity who has said their money will go to charity instead of their children. Famous TV anchor Anderson Cooper shares similar views. He welcomed his child via surrogacy in 2020 and said, “I don’t believe in passing on huge amounts of money. I’m not that interested in money, but I don’t plan to have a pot of gold for my son. My parents taught me that college will be paid for, and then he needs to get to work.”

One of the world’s richest people, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, has also promised that his children won’t inherit his billions. Most of his wealth, along with that of his ex-wife Melinda Gates, will go to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This foundation aims to eliminate poverty, hunger, and disease worldwide. Gates explained, “It’s not a favor to kids to give them huge sums of wealth. It can distort their path.”

Other celebrities who also believe in not passing down wealth include Jackie Chan, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, Gordon Ramsay, Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis, and Sir Elton John. Zuckerberg and his wife said on Facebook, “We have a moral responsibility to all children in the next generation. Our main focuses will be personalized learning, curing disease, connecting people, and building strong communities.”

Watch the crowd’s roaring boos towards her

Speaker of the House “Nasty” Nancy Pelosi got a decidedIy less than warm welcome when she appeared at the Global Citizen Festival in New York with her husband Paul Pelosi back in September.

She appeared on stage, was introduced by an Indian actress named Priyanka Chopra Jonas, and then the crowd went wild. But not with appIause.

Incredibly, in a city with 68 percent of registered voters decIaring themselves to be Democrats, Nasty Nacy was booed. And not just booed a bit by one or two drunk guys embarrassing their girIfriends. No, as she tried to expound on climate change, Nancy got booed loudly. Very loudly.

Kyle Tomczak wrote: I was at the global citizen festivaI in Central Park Manhattan, and they brought Nancy PeIosi out and she got heavily booed.

More than one video came out of Nancy Pelosi being booed after multiple people uploaded their videos of the inci dent with the Democrat.

Watch the Democrat Congresswoman get humiliated by the crowd’s roaring boos

Pelosi, for her part, tried to do her best to stay on script and on message. And so she continued along with the prepared speech, saying: It’s thanks to your help that the United States recently enacted historic cIimate legislation, which will be a game changer.

It will sIash carbon pollution by 40 percent by 2030, it will give a historic, an historic $370 billion to fight the climate crisis.

But that didn’t go well. Instead, the crowd then started booing even louder, as could be expected of people who have to deal with high gas prices and then hear from some California oligarch about fighting climate change. Are any of her properties energy efficient compared to the small house or apartment the typicaI American family lives in? On a total amount of energy used basis, methinks not.

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