90s Talk Show Host Unrecognizable Now and Furious Over Instagram’s Verification Denial

Once a popular daytime TV host in the 80s and 90s, Sally Lowenthal, also known as Sally Jessy Raphael, is now having trouble with people recognizing her.

The former talk show host recently posted on Instagram that the social media company refused to verify her account, even though she provided proof of her identity.

“So, Instagram doesn’t want to give me my blue check – no matter what proof I send them,” the 89-year-old wrote next to a huge blue checkmark. “AND there’s a fake account called ‘realsallyjr’, and that’s NOT ME! Help me let Instagram know so we can fix this.”

Raphael started hosting *The Sally Jessy Raphael Show*, later called *Sally*, in October 1983 and continued until May 2002. Her show was one of the first to involve audience participation and helped pave the way for other female hosts, including Oprah, whose show started three years later.

Over 20 seasons, Raphael interviewed many celebrities but always said Audrey Hepburn was her favorite.

“I was so awestruck, I could hardly ask a question. Everything she did, I admired. Everything she had done in her life I found to be exemplary,” she told the Daily Mail.

TV Personality Sally Jessy Raphael attending 17th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards on June 28, 1990 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City, New York. (Photo by Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

Throughout her career and even after she retired, Sally Jessy Raphael has had a distinctive look that makes her easily recognizable.

When she started filming *The Sally Jessy Raphael Show*, she realized she couldn’t read the teleprompter.

She said, “When we started, I looked at the teleprompter and said, ‘I can’t read that! I’m going blind!’”

While looking for a new pair of glasses, Raphael saw an ad offering an eye test, glasses, and a Pap smear. Despite how strange the ad seemed, she decided to make an appointment.

404446 04: Talk show host Sally Jesse Raphael tapes her last show April 24, 2002 in New York City. Her last show will air this May. (Photo by Jim Lord/Getty Images)

During the appointment she was told she would need a more expensive pair of glasses, but unfortunately they only color they had was red.

“You got it,” Raphael said.

Although she didn’t anticipate the trouble she’d face from the producers of her show.

“I had to fight to have the glasses. Producers tried to change them. Those shadowy figures objected to everything.”

She has since accumulated over 200 pairs of red glasses.

As of August 2, Raphael currently has less than 650 followers on Instagram, but even though her numbers might not match those of other talk show hosts, her fans are just as loud if not louder with their support.

“The Icon, the Legend of daytime TV, Ms. Sally Jessy Raphael needs her Blue Check Mark ? “

“That’s pretty crazy that someone as famous as you are is having trouble with being recognized. I’m trying to understand what the issue is though”

“We should flood your feed with blue hearts it’s so much better than a blue checkmark”

I remember watching Sally on TV! Do you? Let us know in the comments.

Why Michael Jackson Wore Smaller Clothes at the End of His Shows (and 8 More Revelations About His Costumes)

Michael Jackson was a picky dresser, and he wanted to stand out. That’s why his costumes had a lot of details that made everyone wonder why they were there and what they meant. For example, almost every jacket Michael Jackson wore had an armband on the right sleeve, and some of his jackets also had “777” sewn onto them.

We at Bright Side are fascinated with Michael Jackson`s wardrobe, and we`re ready to reveal some of the secrets behind his costumes!

1. Why he wore smaller costumes at the end of his shows

Michael Jackson`s dance routines were very physically strenuous, and he gave his all during his performances. By the end of the show, he would often lose up to 5 lbs, and his waist would become one inch thinner. And since it was important that his clothes fit perfectly, so that he could show off his dance moves, every next costume was a bit smaller than the previous one.

2. How his lean shoes worked

Michael Jackson`s shoes that helped him defy the laws of gravity had a V-shaped clasp at the bottom of the heels. With its help, he could hook into a nail attached to the floor and perform his famous 45-degree forward tilt. However, to be able to do that and to keep his whole body straight, an incredible amount of core and leg strength was also needed.

3. Why he only wore one glove

Michael had vitiligo, a skin condition where patches of your skin lose pigment. It started on his hand and he wanted to cover it up. And he thought it would look too ordinary to wear 2 gloves, so he would only wear one.

4. Why almost every jacket had an armband on the right sleeve

Michel Jackson just wanted his clothes to be different from everyone else’s. And having an armband on a sleeve makes your look distinguishable. Michael also liked to make his fans wonder why that armband was there.

5. Why there are 3 № 7s sewn onto his jackets

Michael was the 7th child in his family. Also, he was born in 1958, and if you add 19 plus 58, it equals 77.

6. Why he never polished his shoes

Once, the singer`s managers were concerned about the condition of his shoes and asked his costume designer to polish them. He did it, but it made Michael extremely angry. He explained that the leather was worn off exactly as he needed it to be, and that polishing would make it too slippery for him to perform his dance moves.

7. Why he wore white socks

Michael loved wearing white socks for several reasons. No one else wore white socks with black shoes. Moreover, they would catch the light and attract attention to the movements of his feet when he was dancing.

8. Why he taped his fingers

Hand movements were an important part of Michael Jackson`s dance routines. So he and his costume designers decided to wrap white tape around his fingers in order to attract more light. Michael also decided it would be more unusual to only tape his index, ring, and pinkie fingers. It was also fun for him, because fans would ask why only 3 of his fingers were taped.

When Michael danced, he would unconsciously put his 2 untaped fingers together. And that would also add mysteriousness to his performances, since the fans would think this sign had a secret meaning.

9. What the letters CTE on his jackets stand for

These letters don`t stand for anything. In the 90s, Michael`s costume designers created a few new shirts for him. He liked them, but he wanted to add some letters on the epaulets. He said it didn`t matter which ones, so his costume designers put all of the letters of the alphabet into a hat, and took 3 of them out at random. That`s where the letters “CTE” came from.

Do you think Michael Jackson had great taste in clothes? Is there any costume of his that you like in particular? We`d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

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