9 years ago, a young girl was born with a distinctive “clown nose”: look ather current appearance after so many years

When Lloyd Connie was born her parents decided firmly that they would keep their child despite her “unusual” appearance.

Three-year-old born with 'clown nose' undergoes operation

Connie had a large red mole on her nose which was known as a “clown nose.”

The doctors diagnosed it as hemangioma and told her parents that it would fade away on its own. But teh years passed and there was no difference in it. So the parents decided to take steps and find an alternative solution to the problem.

Op ends 'clown nose' birthmark misery of girl, 3 - Mirror Online

The little girl grew older and older and was concerned about her appearance as she had fewer and fewer friends. S her parents searched for 3 years until found an appropriate professional who would be able to remove the birthmark from the nose.

Zara Green daughter Connie no longer typecast as Rudolph after surgery to  remove red birthmark from nose - Mirror Online

The girl’s operation was a great success and both the parents and the doctor’s efforts were not in vain. The results are satisfying and after treatment, the girl looked the same as her peers.

I was terrified she'd be asked to play Rudolph in the school play':  Mother's relief after surgery to remove her daughter's birthmark is  successful | Daily Mail Online

It’s All About Focus: Count the number of hidden squares in this image.

Engage Your Brain with Math Quizzes
Math quizzes are more than just exercises—they keep your brain active and your mental focus sharp. Like any muscle, your brain requires regular training for attention, perception, and memory. So, why not enjoy exercising your brain while having fun?

Brainteaser Challenge
Take a look at the picture below: It contains a number of squares—but how many exactly? Try not to peek at the solution below. Let’s see how quickly you can find them all. Are you up for the challenge?

The Benefits of Brainteasers
Quizzes demand full brain power, engaging your wits and speed. They stimulate your brain while providing a fun and relaxing break from daily routines. Not only do they enhance memory and concentration, but consistent mental exercise can also help delay mental diseases and boost attentiveness throughout your day.

Brainteaser Quiz
The quiz below is a brainteaser that will challenge your brain power. If you get stuck, don’t worry—the solution is provided below. But give it a genuine attempt without peeking! Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Are you ready?

Take your time. This is tougher than it seems.

Whenever you’re ready to check your result, scroll down for the solution. But no peeking! =)

Let’s talk about the solution. Remember, you’re looking for complete squares—it doesn’t count if it only resembles one. Take your time with this brainteaser; there may be more squares than you think. Did you miss any?


Let’s define what a square is: in math, it’s a shape with four sides of equal length and 90-degree angles between them.

So, how many squares are in the picture? The correct answer is 16.

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