20+ Things That Make It Obvious That Iceland Is Not Easy to Understand for the Rest of the World

The name of the country itself hints that the climate there is not very warm. And this is where all of its charm is hiding: it’s like the Snow Queen looking at you with her cold piercing eyes. And you can spend ages looking at this country: the waterfalls, the rocks, the volcanos, the beaches with black sand, and 8 months a year when you can see the Northern Lights. All these things make Iceland a country from a parallel reality that anyone would love to go to, at least for a little vacay.

We at Bright Side think that there should be things to fuel our dreams and this article does exactly that. Now is probably the best time to start saving for a trip to Iceland to see its beauty with your own eyes. It’s definitely worth it.

“My sister rented an apartment in the north of Iceland for Christmas, and this is her view.”

Before 1987, every Thursday in Iceland, there were no TV broadcasts.

The people from Iceland born before 1987 joke that they were probably conceived on a Thursday. The thing is, Thursdays were the days of communication when people were supposed to pay more attention to each other. This is why the only channel in the country at the time didn’t work on Thursdays.

Footage from the Icelandic TV show Keeping up with the Kattarshians, where cats are filmed living in a tiny home

Black sand beach in Iceland

“In Iceland, you can hand-draw a map on your mail, without an address, and it will still make it to its destination.”

  • That’s because buildings are so far apart from each other and there are lots of distinct geographical locations, so it is easy to determine the location. The-Daily-Meme / Reddit

Blue Lagoon in Iceland is a geothermal hot spring that wasn’t open to tourists until the 1990s.

  • That’s insane, it simultaneously looks like the hottest and coldest place on the planet. obamium-11 / Reddit

The people in Iceland can see the Northern Lights 8 months a year.

“There are places in Iceland where you can be standing on the North American and European tectonic plates at the same time. This rift was from an earthquake.”

There’s a cave shaped like Yoda in Iceland. Do you see it?

“Iceland does not want to deal with your stupidity — and I think that’s beautiful.”

“Traveling within Iceland because we couldn’t go elsewhere. Found these guys sheltering themselves from the wind…”

And there’s a magnificent glacier in the background!

Glacier rivers in Iceland

  • I used to have an art teacher who went to Iceland every year. He had hundreds of photos of the countryside. I have never seen anything like this country. The bizarre colors and shapes that naturally occur there are nothing more than breathtaking. JanJaapen / Reddit

A black church called the Heimaey Stave Church

  • I was fortunate enough to see this church in person last year. There is a spring/fountain very close nearby with some of the cleanest and tastiest water I’ve ever had. Hard to even describe. Sletzer / Reddit

The Kerið Crater in winter is unreal.

“A photo of a road and landscape I took”

The last McDonald’s cheeseburger sold in Iceland. McDonald’s no longer exists in this country.

“Stayed in an unusual hotel near The Golden Circle in Iceland”

“This crater lake in Iceland merges with a powerful glacial river. One of the most surreal sunrises I’ve ever experienced”

This very cozy street in Iceland

  • This whole country is cozy. Seriously. I went there last winter and I’ve never been to a more cozy place in my life. dc-redpanda / Reddit

The view from some public restrooms in Iceland

“The puffins returned to eastern Iceland this week. I was lucky enough to see thousands of them in one spot.”

“This house my wife and I stayed at while in Iceland”

  • Pretty much every building in Iceland has a view as good as this, that country is just insane. Chilis1 / Reddit

A sunset snowstorm in Iceland

I have the urge to set this as my phone’s wallpaper.

Would you like to travel to this amazing country?

This kind 8-year-old paid off his friend’s school lunch debt after he was denied food

Cayden Taipalus, eight years old, is here to restore your confidence in humanity, so do not lose hope if you feel that it has been lost.

This young man decided to take matters into his own hands after noticing that one of his buddies was not receiving a warm breakfast at school.

Specifically, Cayden witnessed his friend receiving a sandwich rather than a hot dinner at Challenger Elementary in Howell, Michigan, one day because there weren’t enough money in his lunch account. His heart was broken, and he felt compelled to change things.

After getting home, Cayden immediately told his mother what he had seen and that it had made him feel a little depressed. His mother, Amber Melke-Peters, concurred that action was necessary to stop incidents like that from happening in the future, so together they devised the concept of creating a fundraising website named “Pay It Forward: No Kid Goes Hungry.”

Cayden asked for donations to cover his friends’ lunch debts from neighbors, relatives, and friends. His endeavor, nevertheless, went beyond financial gain because many were inspired by his narrative as it spread.

In an effort to generate money on his own, he even launched a recycling drive. He then addressed the school’s lunch staff and asked that the money be transferred to the accounts of students who were having financial issues.

More than $41,000 has been raised since Cayden launched his effort, allowing him to feed many underprivileged pupils.

Cayden’s ultimate goal is to ensure that no child misses a school day without a hot meal.

“I am so very proud of my son,” his mother declared in an interview with ABC News. His understanding of this notion at the age of eight is quite remarkable, in my opinion. His heart is made of gold.

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What started as a stirring feeling in Cayden’s gut turned into an initiative that might guarantee that many kids have hot lunches.

Many people appreciated him and were motivated to support his initiative.

We think this is a fantastic initiative you choose to work on, and we contributed to it. I’m hoping that your idea has received a nomination for the Make a Difference initiative. Someone wrote, “Cayden, you have really made a difference. You have done an amazing job of helping a lot of kids.” You wouldn’t imagine that children would go hungry in a land of plenty, but in actuality, for a lot of youngsters, the food they consume at school can be their only meal of the day. It breaks my heart. As they say, it takes a village to raise a child, and by doing this, we can contribute to the upbringing of a few children while preserving their dignity.

Cayden’s tale serves as another reminder that with enough willpower and perseverance, nothing is insurmountable.This world is a better place because of people like this adorable youngster with a golden heart.Please TAG your loved ones and friends on Facebook to read Cayden’s motivational tale.

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